



  One sunny afternoon, Mother Duck comes home.(1) 一個晴天的下午,母鴨回家了。

She starts to hatch her little eggs, but a strange thing happens.(2) 牠剛開始要孵蛋,但奇怪的事就要發生。
One egg suddenly rocks and rolls out of the house. (3) 一個奇怪的蛋居然跳起,就滾出門了。
The egg rolls to the sky and disappears.(4) 這顆蛋滾向天空,就不見了。
The egg drops into a pond.(5) 這顆蛋掉在一個池塘。
An eagle picks it up and hides in the nest.(6) 一隻老鷹撿到,並藏在她的鳥窩。
The egg rolls out again, and falls on a giraffe's head.(7) 但這顆蛋又開始滾出,再掉在長頸鹿的頭上。
The egg bounces back to its house.(8) 這顆蛋最後滾回自己的家。
Mother Duck says, "I give up chasing my baby.(9) "母鴨在路上也放棄追逐了。
Mother Duck returns home and find a little tiny duckling.(10) 母鴨回家後,發現一隻小鴨,便問牠是誰?
The little duckling says, "I'm the rolling egg.(11) "小鴨說牠是那個滾蛋。
Mother Duck is happy, and says, "and I'm your mother.(12) "母鴨很高興說道:那我是你的媽媽呀!終~
    創作者 Dex 的頭像

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