[Verse 1]
Same lips red, same eyes blue
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos

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新歌翻譯直接按 壹世代Liam Payne Strip That Down  Katy Perry - Bon Appétit 饗宴 Miley Cyrus - Malibu  Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes Harry Styles - Two Ghosts  DJ Khaled/小賈斯汀 - I'm the On Drake - Passionfruit 

[Verse 1]
I never came to the beach, or stood by the ocean

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Chapter is over, the last page turned
in the end, you left alone


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                  作詞:吉岡治 作曲:浜圭介

ひとり口紅 拭(ふ)き取(と)りながら

獨自一人 擦拭口紅之際

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  Ronald William Artest, Jr-「世界和平,拚命三郎」——阿泰斯特(還叫攝影機殺手,還有個外號叫「野獸」)
  Allen Iverson -「答案」(Answer)——阿倫艾弗森(除了是名字的諧音以外,還有個綽號叫「小鬼魂」)
  Nickey Maxwell "Nick" Van Exel -「小精靈」——尼克埃克塞爾

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[Verse 1: Harry & Zayn]
Who's that shadow holding me hostage? I've been here for days
Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?

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[Verse 1]
She's got a family in Carolina
So far away, but she says I remind her of home

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新歌翻譯直接按 Louis Tomlinson-Just Like you  Pink-Beautiful Trauma

[Verse 1]
Falling too fast to prepare for this

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I was a very, very weird child. I had a port wine stain birthmark on my face that I got lasered off when I was very young.

One day they forgot to put the anesthetic on, then ever since then I had a stutter, and I also had very , very big blue NHS glasses.

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[Chorus: ZAYN] x2
Just stop lookin' for love
Girl, you're young you still got time x3


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